Blasting Through The Winter Blahs


Got the winter blahs? Covid blahs? Tired of masking? Low energy?  Weary of cold weather?  Just plain weary? It is natural to feel this way as our usual way of living has been  altered drastically  due to the continuing and morphing covid virus.  Two years plus,  we have  persevered and  it is tiring. Add cold, gray wintery weather and we become cranky, hangry, salty and more!@#!    Here are some remedies to try:

  • Snatch some sunshine! Even 10-20 minutes  outside daily can boost spirits and Vit . D.  The sun is setting at 5:45pm (as of this writing) so longer daylight. 

  • You are what you eat! Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day! Reduce sugar. You will feel lighter and have more energy. When we have the blues, we tend to comfort ourselves with food- try something else. Try a new recipe.

  • Try a new craft. Learn a language. Learn to play an instrument. Take up knitting. Try adult coloring books. 

  • Play cards or board games.

  • GET MOVING! UTUBE a dance class, yoga, zumba or HIIT class.

  • Write an old fashioned paper and pen note to someone you haven’t heard from in awhile.

  • Laugh with friends! Call, facetime or zoom with a friend or family member  who makes you full out belly laugh!

  • Practice 5 acts of kindness each day! Being kind to others (and to yourself) releases the “feel good” endorphins in your body and has lots of wellness benefits.

  • Add some color to the day!

Smile more, laugh more, be silly!

