Why Wouldn't You?

By now we are slowly recovering from the holidays and the season of eating- our waistbands on the stretch pants snug as we move from sitting to standing. Perhaps, the New Year’s resolutions scratched on a piece of paper and tucked away. We have great intentions of fitness each year, and before the end of February the goals have moved to the trash bin in our brain. There are lots of reasons (purposely avoiding the word “excuses”). Life happens - that is all that needs to be said.

This New Year’s, I pose a different question to you. Why wouldn’t you take care of your beautiful self? Wouldn’t you want to be the best person for you? Wouldn’t you want to be the best person for your partner, your family, your friends? Wouldn’t you want to be able to perform well at whatever you do?

Imagine taking care of an expensive Porsche. You might garage it, ensure it didn’t get scratched and perform the necessary maintenance so it would run smoothly. Fill the gas tank with the proper fuel. Why? Well, you love the car and you paid a lot of money for it. You want it to perform well each time you start it and last a long time. So, again, the question- Why wouldn’t you do the same for yourself?

Taking care of yourself is not selfish. Selfish is not sharing your M &M’s on the playground. Self care is respecting and loving the one body and brain you have been issued in life so that you are able to be there for everyone else in your life. What might that look like?

  • A good night’s sleep

  • Proper nutrition (sure we are going to eat treats now and then but overall lots of veggies and fruit)

  • Exercise : 150 minutes each week. Divvy it up as you wish. Stick to it - unless you are sick.

  • Drink 5 glasses of water daily

  • Develop stress coping mechanisms (yoga, breath work, meditation, journaling, walking)

  • Connect to nature with a walk outside as much as you can (it reduces stress)

  • Learn what fuels your gas tank and fill the tank before it gets to “Empty”

People often say “I’ll start my program when I get back from this trip” or “I’m taking care of a family member and don’t have time.” A Porsche doesn’t drive well unless it is cared for; your body doesn’t function well unless it is cared for. Why run the gift that you have been given into the ground? Why wouldn’t you want to take care of you?

Best for 2023,


Yoga Health Works