This September blog is late because I was uninspired by the originally chosen topic. At the beginning of this year, I selected twelve “habits” to try. When it came time to write the September blog, each time I glanced at the title, I found a reason to walk away from the laptop. Then the topic found me. At this time of year, I am keenly aware of the diminishing minutes of sunlight and how gloomy I feel with less light in the day, although fall is my favorite season. I love the brisk morning temperatures but dislike the fewer hours of daylight.  It made me consider how much we resist change--even when it is a positive change.  

     The mind and body have a way of holding on to thoughts and habits because they are comfortable to us. They are a known entity. We know the outcome when we repeat the pattern, even though it may be a harmful habit. This applies to thoughts, beliefs and personal habits.  However, change requires letting go, giving up, and surrendering to something new. Humans do not relish in surrendering because our mindsets equate surrender with defeat. Surrender in this situation means accepting the moment as it unfolds. It is not being passive but being present. Thus the difficulty with change, requiring the development of a new mindset. To the individual it is a risk because the outcome may be unknown, new, and different. We are comfortable in the known result because it helps us feel in control.

      Our habit this month is to “be in the change” as it occurs. It is simply stated but difficult to practice. As new things arise in your life, rather than resist, try noting how you feel in the moment. Sit with it and observe without rushing to come up with a solution. Too often, we move to the result quickly rather than allowing ourselves to experience the event. In doing so, perhaps we miss the beauty and the joy in the journey. 

      The wonder of our minds is that we have the ability and the choice to change how we think. As changes occur in the season and with your life, accept where you are rather than jumping to where you think you are supposed to be. Keep your mind in the moment as it is happening now. It is a practice. It is a mindful choice.

Pura Vida,
