Mindfulness With Less


The  mobile phone has become more than a communication device; it is the personal computer, the calendar, and the information hub in our lives. It is common to see people on the phone all the time, oblivious of their surroundings. Individuals are using their phones when driving a car, walking on the sidewalk, waiting in line at the grocery store  and  during mealtimes.  It appears to be the norm now to be on the phone rather than conversing with others. There is even a term for it now: phubbing. Phubbing refers to snubbing others in favor of the mobile phone. No one can argue that the mobile phone is an  excellent tool: to check the internet and to check our email. It directs us in traffic, it helps us locate a gas station and it alerts others that we need assistance. It helps business owners conduct transactions when not in the office. In addition, there are even many mindfulness apps on the phone to help us.

What if the mindfulness exercise was simply to place your phone on a table and not look at it for ten minutes each day? 

  More and more research demonstrates that long term use of the cell phone, and computer has harmful effects on youngsters and adults. It harms relationships, creates anxiety, increases resentment, increases depression and increases loneliness. It becomes an addiction.

What if during those ten minutes, you took a walk outside, observed the nature around you and listened to the sounds ?

The pandemic has demonstrated how much we need human connection and because of the pandemic we spend more time on laptops and cell phones.  Sometimes we are on the internet so much that we neglect our own self care needs. Research also reveals that the  perception that we are connecting with friends via internet does not replace actual live human connections. The less human contact we have with each other isolates us and increases depression, anxiety and loneliness. The phone/internet addiction adds to the loss of real relationships. It also lowers self esteem, increases resentment and compounds the loss of original and creative thoughts.

What if some  simple changes can be implemented?  Here are some suggestions:

  1. Turn off notifications. (unless there is an emergency situation)

  2. Use an old fashioned alarm clock instead of your phone.

  3. Stop use of all electronics one hour before bedtime.

  4. Avoid  phones at the table at meal times and when dining out 

  5. Connect with nature.

  6. Arrange friends/family game night. 

  7. Place the phone in your desk drawer at work or keep it in your briefcase/purse.

  8. Make eye contact with others when talking with them.

  9. Take a walk outside with a friend


